Mail from Japan 1

Publié le par Naomi from Numazu

Salut, Emmanuel et Joan :) I'm Naomi, a girl who played some songs on the stage at Versal the other day:)
Thank you so very much for your CD and very cute goods! Soon after I got to my house from Versal on that day I met you guys, I went in my room and listened to your CD. It was very comfy, and among those 5 songs, I love this one song "Slow Burn":) Im still excited to have joined the same gig. I treasure your CD, I was so happy to have met you:)
I wanted to talk with you more, and I wanted to say "See ya" but I had to leave a bit earlier so I couldn't, Im so sorry. By the way, yesterday I received an email from my French pen friend, and I wrote to her back. In my email, I told her that I joined this cool gig YEEPEE Japan Tour 2005, and I met you at there, and I could speak French just a little bit :p Only 5 days French but it worked! Then she wrote to me back again just today, and she said she was happy to hear it, and she would help me to study French:) What luck!
Could I put your website to mine if it's okay?? And, we could meet by chance, and Im so happy to meet you two. I don't want to break off relations with you so, who knows, I will send emails to you after this soo many times:D Im going to make my new album again, maybe this autumn or winter. Im going to put some chorus and some other sounds like drums, strings to my songs. I guess it sure will be different from the one I handed to you but when I complete it, I will tell you then:)
Im sorry for this looong email:p I just wanted to say thank you very much but I had a lot to tell:) Hope to hear from you, thank you so very much for the other day:) Take good care of yourselves, I Love YEEPEE!
Your Friend

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